Submission Categories

Short Film

  • Duration: 5:00 minutes max

  • Description: Fictional short film that follows a storyline with live action characters demonstrating storytelling and visual artistry.


  • Duration: 5:00 minutes max

  • Description: Non-fictional film that provides a factual record documenting reality for the purposes of education or maintaining a historical record demonstrating storytelling and visual artistry.

Music Video (Beginning)

  • Duration: Song dictates time (3 minute minimum)

  • Description: Video accompanying a complete unedited clean song demonstrating storytelling and a 3 minute minimum. This category is for introductory media classes.

Music Video (Advanced)

  • Duration: Song dictates time (3 minute minimum)

  • Description: Video accompanying a complete unedited clean song demonstrating storytelling and a 3 minute minimum. This category is for any student to submit a music video not created in an introductory media class.


  • Duration: 3:00 minutes max

  • Description: 2D or 3D video of a model, scene, sequence, or animated short film demonstrating storytelling or visual artistry.

Feature Story

  • Duration: 1:30 minutes max

  • Description: The best factual story profiling a person or group, reporting events, or examining trends delivered through narrative storytelling using creativity in reporting.

Photography (Montage)

  • Duration: 2:30 minutes max

  • Description: Video montage of 10 to 30 photos displayed for 3-5 seconds each with music demonstrating storytelling or visual artistry.

Movie Trailer

  • Duration: 1:30 minutes max

  • Definition: Movie trailer that follows a storyline with live action characters demonstrating storytelling and visual artistry.

Hype Promo

  • Duration: 3:00 minutes max

  • Definition: Promotional or hype video for an event, school or club. Could follow one specific event or cover a year or season.